Anil Short Roasted Vermicelli 450gm


Original price was: $8.99.Current price is: $4.96.

SKU: ANILSHORTROAST450 Category: Brand:

Product Description

Anil Vermicelli or Semia is an Indian form of spaghetti made from hard ground wheat. It helps satisfy the noodle craze that is popular in the west. Semia comes in both roasted and non-roasted packed forms. The roasted Semia makes it ready to use instant noodle.

Anil Vermicelli has ingredients Refined wheat flour and Maida

How To Use:

  • Anil vermicelli is used in making sweet dishes like Kheer or Payasam.
  • Semia can be used for making morning breakfast in the form of Upma along with vegetables like peas, beans, and carrots.


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